Plants And Animals Depend On Each Other

Answer:plants and animals depend on each other as both of them are an important part of the eco systems and they perform various functions.
Plants and animals depend on each other. When animals die they decompose and become natural fertilizer plants. If plants die , herbavors die of hunger. An illustration of a food chain or food web is given below.
Plants need animals for reproduction. Animals need plants for shelter: This resource focuses on how plants and animals interact in an environment with 6 student pages, including ccss comprehension questions
Plants do the photosynthesis if they don't they die. Man, plants and animals need each other to exist. Plants carry out photosynthesis and help regulate the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Both plants and animals are in symbiotic relationship with each other. In an ecosystem like a forest, the main consequence of this dependence is the food chain. If plants die , herbavors die of hunger.
Plants and animals depend on each other in many ways. Either directly or indirectly, both plants and animals depend on each other. Animals and plants need each other for food:
Some interactions between plants and animals are detrimental, such as the serious injury or harm that occurs when animals eat toxic plants. For instance insectivorous plants trap and digest insects to obtain nitrates. The ptarmigan female can lay up to 9 eggs and incubate for about 25 days.