Herbivore Animals That Eat Plants

The leaves of wild cherries are safe for most herbivore to eat if the leaves are.
Herbivore animals that eat plants. Herbivore animals are those animals who survive on plants, they eat laves, shoots and twigs. However, there are definitely some exceptions. Unfortunately, this means that their teeth do not last as long as carnivores.
Herbivores are animals that primarily eat plants as their main diet. Browsers eat mostly leaves and sometimes small tree branches. Animals can be put into groups based on the types of food they eat.
However, people who choose not to eat meat called vegetarian. What do cows, goats, zebras, deer, and elephants have in common? The animals who eat only meat are known as carnivores.
Usually, such animals cannot digest meat. Many animals that eat fruit and leaves sometimes eat other parts of plants, for example roots and seeds. These kinds of herbivores are called browsers.
I would guess that for the most part, they just seem to know (instinct?) what plants to eat and what plants not to eat. Most of the time these animals hunt other animals or insects for their food. People are omnivores people eat plants and other animals 16.
Some animals called carnivores only eat meat. Monkeys are omnivores monkeys eat plants and other animals 15. Carnivores eat other animals 12.