Amphibians Breathe Through Lungs

Most amphibians, however, are able to exchange gases with the water or air via their skin.
Amphibians breathe through lungs. After hatching from eggs, they undergo through a larval stage which can range from just 10 days up to 20 years (for some species)! Not all amphibians can breathe underwater. The lungs in reptiles comprise of very fine alveoli that are many.
The reptiles’ lung has a much greater surface area for the exchange of gases than the lungs of amphibians. To breathe through their skin, the skin must stay moist/wet. They breathe through gills while they are tadpoles.
Their skin has to stay wet in order for them to absorb oxygen so they secrete mucous to keep their skin moist (if they get too dry, they cannot breathe and will die). When their skin is moist, and particularly when they are in water where it is their only form of gas exchange, they breathe through their skin. Their skin has to stay wet in order for them to absorb oxygen so they secrete mucous to keep their skin moist (if they get too dry, they cannot breathe and will die).
Although most of the amphibians have lungs, they usually breathe through their skin and lining of their mouth, whereas most reptiles do not. Most amphibians breathe through lungs and their skin. How do terrestrial reptiles breathe?
While all of these species breathe using lungs, there are some species that actually breathe through their skin or gills. Even if this may seem a handicap, because they must always keep their skin moist enough, in this entry we’ll see the many benefits that cutaneous respiration gives them and how in some groups, it… Animals that breathe with their lungs can come from all over the world and live in many different types of environments, ranging from the highest of mountain tops to the lowest jungles.
When amphibians are young, such as tadpoles, they breath using gills and spiracle. Mature frogs breathe mainly with lungs and also exchange gas with the environment through the skin. The amount of oxygen frogs can breathe through their skin is limited compared to the amount of oxygen they can breathe through their lungs.